These two vintage lovelies are the amazing folk duo the Secret Sisters as featured on the newly released Hunger Games soundtrack.
The song Tomorrow will be kinder is hauntingly beautiful. I am trying to not succumb to the urge to go and watch it yet until I have finished reading the trilogy (Suzanne Collins) although there are some library stocking issues as it has been so popular, and I'm too tight to go and buy them!
The story does however bear similarities to the wonderful Belgian writer Amelie Nothomb's short story Sulphuric acid where the basic story sets out a the concept of a reproduced concentration camp, albeit where the prisoners are also trapped within a horrific 'Big Brother'-esque Television programme that even the Polititians eventually become powerless to have any sway over.
It is a very interesting and powerful story that I'd recommend, in fact so-far I have enjoyed all of her novels and would definitely suggest looking her up!